Bay Leaf: Burn bay leaf and smoke it in the whole house, it will solve all problems like magic

It cannot be that there is no bay leaf in Indian spices. In that sense, adding bay leaves to cooking is an unwritten rule of culinary art, even if it does not add any special flavor. But not only in cooking, bay leaf has many other properties. Bay leaves have many medicinal properties. This leaf is very useful for maintaining good health. Bay leaves are used in ancient aromatherapy. The aroma of these leaves can do great magic on health.

An integral part of the body is the mind. If the mind is not good, the healthy body becomes sick. Bay leaves have also been used to cure mental ailments for ages. Bay leaf is used as a solution for depression and stress. Along with improving the mind and body, the ancient aroma therapy also has a positive effect on Vastu. Bay leaf is also very effective in Vastu.

According to experts, burning five to seven bay leaves in a pot and spreading the smoke of those bay leaves throughout the room in the center makes the house sterile and also removes all the negative energy from the house. It has many other qualities. The smell of bay leaves has a very beneficial effect on the body and mind. The smell of burning bay leaves relieves problems like viral infections and joint pain. Again, the smoke of bay leaves also removes physical fatigue. This aromatic smoke exerts a positive effect on the nervous system which relieves body fatigue.

The smell of bay leaves calms the mind and relieves tension. Bay leaf smoke brings peace of mind. Using bay leaf smoke during meditation calms the mind and helps maintain concentration. In addition, experts say that the smell of bay leaf smoke increases the body’s immune system.

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